Weeks after the tragic murder of Sonya Massey, by law enforcement, Daniel Louis Crumpton brings awareness and solutions to the servants of local gubment, in a WAR-TOWN council in the community meeting. In a brief, comprehensive policing reform initiative; we shall see if local officials bite on the bait of making things better in the community.
In this episode, yet another attempt to candidate Matt Moulton is given to respond to a 30 item questionnaire, on critical subjects residents of WAR-TOWN & Houston County, GA are heavily impacted by, as well as a mission statement outlining reasonable & rational reforms to local “law enforcement” agencies that can be initiated right away. And should be considered by all WAR-TONIANS, especially in the devastating aftermath of Sonya Massey’s murder by a lunatic behind a badge.
After the WAR-TOWN TIMES Team sent all candidates for Sheriff in Houston County, Georgia a simple 30 item questionnaire to enlighten We the People as to their certain perspectives and approaches to the Constitution; Arthur Lee Harris was kind enough to at the very least, consider sitting down to discuss the document in question. As we head into the most uncertain waters, this country and community has ever experienced, it has never been more critical to ensure that your local sheriff is fully prepared and compelled to defend the Bill of Rights over party affiliations & agendas. Continue to follow our Sheriff Shootout Special 2024 as the story unfolds!
Click the Link below for a Free PDF download of the Initiative featured in this story! It’ll make you a whole lot cooler if’n you do!
Peace Keeping Reform Mission statement
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